How to Utilize Tele-Medicine as a Chiropractor During the COVID-19 Crisis

Picture of Quentin Terpstra

Quentin Terpstra

VIP Business Development

Learn & Build with Understanding Coding for TeleHealth

Join Ethan Dangberg and Founder and CEO of the CHelp Desk, Brandy Brimhall as they walk you through everything you need to know to serve patients and bill for services using telehealth. Bring your questions and Brandy will answer everything you need to know. Don’t miss out!

What is TeleHealth?
Well lets put it this way…It is a vital channel you can utilize to care, consult and evaluate your patients at long distance! With the use of this smart technology, it can allow convenience for both you and your patients while being at remote location! That is what makes this super unique and valuable to any business!

So don’t hesitate! Watch the video above to learn more about this intriguing topic!

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